Acasa » International » Daring to Risk: The First Step in Transforming Your Life

Daring to Risk: The First Step in Transforming Your Life

We’ve all heard it all before.

Ever met a guy who wanted to start up his own business but never did?

Ever met a guy who said he found this awesome workout but never got anything done?

Ever met a guy who said he had this great idea but never did anything about it?

We’ve all met THAT guy. Nobody wants to be that guy.

But in more likelihood, you’ve probably been that guy once or twice.

Being a self-development enthusiast as myself. I always try to better myself. Become a better man. Work on things I find hard or difficult. Sometimes the action I need to take can lead to embarrassment, facing my fears or losing the acceptance of others.

But to actually start to transform your life into what you want.

Daring to Risk

You’re first step is dare to risk.

Daring to risk might seem an easy enough task. But when faced with one’s deepest fears it can be rather overwhelming.

You see it’s not enough to dare to risk. It’s not enough that you close your eyes and take a risk. It’s the full acceptance of handling whatever comes your way which is the true power of daring to risk. Being able to keep a calm head. Being able to dive into your fear and not panic.

You see facing your fear all panicky will teach you nothing. The same with quitting your job because you want to start up your own business, but then all of the sudden get all scared and panicking over the profound effects it might have on your life.

You need to keep calm. Face the fear. Deal with adversity even when it might seem a bit too much at first, but have the trust that you can handle it.

That is what true daring comes from. True daring is when you can blindly put your faith in yourself when faced with absolute uncertainty.

Taking the necessary steps even when faced with nothing but doubt. But because it’s YOU. It will somehow work out. Dare to risk my friends. Dare to take that first step in transforming your life into what you want it to be. Dare to risk or risk living a life with regrets.

About Author

Alex Wise is a blog contributor and dating consultant for Loveawake – a fast growing dating serving in Romania and the major cities Bucharest, Constanta, Timisoara and etc. He’s a long time blogger with an appetite for technology. During the day, Alex also works as a personal life coach.  Follow him on the company site or on Facebook and Twitter.

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